St John Bosco Catholic Primary School


St John Bosco pupils enjoy looking smart and our visitors always comment on how fantastic our uniform is.

The children wear ties and jumpers or cardigans with a St John Bosco badge. These can be purchased from one of our uniform suppliers – Price and Buckland or CC Uniform.

Our school uniform policy was updated in April 2022, and approved by governors, following consultation with staff, parents and pupils. You can read it on our Policies and Documents page.

Pre-Loved School Uniform

At the end of every term, we run a special pre-loved clothing initiative.

Our Eco Team work hard year to make improvements around school in order for us to be more sustainable and eco-friendlier. This also reflects our Catholic Social Teaching principle of Care for God’s Creation: The Church challenges us to be good caretakers of the Earth’s resources. Can we be more aware of recycling items we do not need, instead of sending them to the land fill?

This initiative involves pre-loved clothes. Each term we ask for donations of pre-loved clothes that are in good condition. We particularly look for school uniform, winter coats, summer wear, swim wear, PE kits and footwear including wellies.

Then, everyone has the opportunity to take home some of this pre-loved clothing and footwear. Everything is left out on display and during that time, you can go along and help yourself. Donations for clothes can be made on Parent Pay. This is entirely voluntary: you may just help yourself or you can make a financial contribution towards what you have taken. All money received is used by the eco team to further improve upon sustainability. Donations made on Parent Pay are completely confidential so there is absolutely no obligation to pay anything but equally, you are more than welcome to.

Here are some key facts and a short message from our eco team explaining why you should consider using pre-loved clothes:

  • Fashion is the world’s second-largest polluter after the oil industry.
  • People buy 80 billion garments around the world every year.
  • A rubbish truck of clothes is burned or landfilled every. single. second.
  • Polyester takes more than 200 years to decompose.
  • Fabric production is responsible for 20% of all industrial water pollution annually.
  • The U.S. throws away up to 11.3 million tons of textile waste each year – around 2,150 pieces of clothing each second.
  • Today, fashion accounts for up to 10% of global carbon dioxide output – more than international flights and shipping combined.
  • The fashion industry is responsible for 2.1 billion tons of CO2 emissions each year.​


Winter Uniform

  • Red jumper with SJB logo
  • White shirt
  • St John Bosco tie
  • Grey or black trousers
  • Grey or black socks

Summer Uniform

  • Red jumper with SJB logo
  • White shirt or polo shirt
  • SJB tie (not needed with polo shirt)
  • Grey or black smart shorts
  • Smart black shoes
Boys' winter uniform

Boys' Winter Uniform

Boys' summer uniform

Boys' Summer Uniform


Winter Uniform

  • Red jumper or cardigan with SJB logo
  • White shirt
  • St John Bosco tie
  • Grey skirt, trousers or pinafore
  • Grey tights or socks
  • Smart black shoes

Summer Uniform

  • Red and white checked summer dress
  • Red jumper or cardigan with SJB logo
  • White socks
  • Smart black shoes
Girls' winter uniform

Girls' Winter Uniform

Girls' summer uniform

Girls' Summer Uniform

PE Kit


  • House t-shirt
  • Black shorts, jogging bottoms, tracksuit bottoms or leggings
  • Plain black zip-up hooded jacket or black hooded top (SJB logo optional)
  • T-shirt – house colour (one provided by school each year – additional can be purchased through our uniform suppliers)
  • Trainers


When your child goes swimming, please provide them with the following items:

  • Boys will need to wear shorts. These shorts cannot go below the knee as they make swimming difficult.
  • Girls must wear a swimming costume.
  • All children will need a towel
  • Swimming caps are compulsory.
  • Goggles and nose clips are optional.
PE Kit

Children wearing PE kit


  • All items of clothing and accessories (scarves, gloves, bags) must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
  • Shoes must be smart black shoes and not black trainers.
  • Please note: fleeces and lightweight coats for outdoor use only.
  • We do not accept fashion hair styles, tattoo transfers or nail varnish.
  • Jewellery must be stud earrings only.


Price and Buckland are our main supplier of school uniform. Uniform can be ordered directly from their website

Uniform purchased online can then be delivered to an address of your choice for a small fee or delivered to school free of charge to be collected by parents.

Our second supplier are CC Uniforms Ltd. They are based in West Bromwich and their phone number is 0121 448 9199​. Their website is