Wellbeing: Our Approach
We have a whole school approach to bullying where the whole school community, including the pupils, staff, parents and board of governors, are involved in confronting the issue of bullying.
Pupils know what to do if they see something that they are unhappy with and we work together to ensure that our children feel safe, secure, happy and valued.
Our FABs (Friend Against Bullying) play an important role on the playground and around school in ensuring that all children are happy and any incidents, should they arise, are quickly reported to a member of staff.
Every year we take part in the national anti-bullying week where we raise awareness and remind children of what to do if they feel bullied or unhappy. In 2018 our children all entered a poster competition and the photos below show the winning entries which are now on display in school.

Friends Against Bullying
Lego Therapy
Lego Therapy can be used in many ways as a successful intervention for play therapy. It runs with an adult facilitating the roles and modelling, developing and reinforcing play and social skills. It can be used to support:
- Attention skills
- Sharing and turn-taking
- Collaborative problem-solving
- Assist verbal and non-verbal communication
The purpose of Lego Therapy is a multi-sensory intervention to build participation and communication. Each participant is assigned a role and roles are rotate through the group during the tasks:
- Engineer – overseas the design and makes sure that the design is followed
- Builder – put the bricks together
- Supplier – keeps track of the type and colour of bricks that are needed and gives the bricks to the builder
- Director – makes sure that the team is working together and communicating
The role of the adult facilitator
Sometimes children find it difficult to follow task and to interact with other children. Lego Therapy teaches the children the rules of communication, what is acceptable and not acceptable. An adult facilitator can support positive interactions, suggest alternative ways in which to problem solve, provide prompts as and when needed and will keep the group on task.
Lego Therapy is a fun way to build upon relationships and encourage positive interactions.
Free apps to support virtual building:
- Bricks & More
- Lego Digital Designer

National School Breakfast Programme
We are pleased to announce that our school has joined the government’s National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), which is being delivered by the charities Family Action and Magic Breakfast.
This initiative will continue throughout the whole school year and hopefully beyond this.
As a NSBP School we are pleased to offer a healthy school breakfast, available to all, and enjoy the benefits that brings, with children settled and ready to learn at the start of the school day.
We would like to welcome your child to join us for a great start to the day.
Our breakfast starts at 8.40am and is held in each classroom where the children help themselves. We offer free bagels.
Year 6 monitors deliver the bagels to each classroom so that breakfast is ready for your child when they arrive at school.
Toast and juice (as well as bagels) are still available to purchase at break time as a mid-morning snack.